NFT Passports

NFT Passports

NFT passports for the users, and will be minted only by the admin.

Admin uses a bulk minting method for minting the nft passports. Only limited nft passports will be available. Admin can choose the supply of nft passports in the platform.

NFT passports can be bought through USDT.

Users can buy nft passports upto 20 and the limit can be changeable by the admin. NFT Passport Holders

ยท Can stake their nfts and gets rewards

ยท Can get the voting rights on future updation on the platform

ยท Can hold the nfts to get the fee waiver on the presale

NFT Passport Staking

NFT passport holders can stake their passports to get the Spai token as rewards. The staking period - 3 months, 6 months and 9 months.

Once the staking period ends,

ยท User can resell their passport nfts to the platform

ยท They can transfer the passport nfts to other user

ยท User can hold the nft to get the fee waiver in the presale

Last updated